"Bedding" Plants
We know that it is Spring here, not because the verges and meadows are covered in cowslips and that it is a wonderful year for violets, which it is, but because the bedroom and hall are beginning to be covered in seedlings as well as the landing!! I was very tired on Wednesday evening after four hours at the Bridge Club so I went to bed early and went straight to sleep. I was woken a few hours later when John came into the room uttering expletives, I looked up to see Diana (white cat) bedded down on one of my seed trays. John said he knew I was exhausted as I just said "oh dear" or words to that effect and went back to sleep. Not having grown any plants last year I had forgotten that she has done this before and that it is necessary to barricade the trays with sticks.
You will recall that at the end of January we were having "some disagreement" about the bannisters. Well yesterday all was resolved (I hope I am not getting too far ahead of myself) as we revisited the shop we originally bought the rails from and to our utter surprise they had all the elements required. All comes to she who waits!!
On Wednesday, before playing Bridge, I went for my monthly check up with my cancer specialist. I was delighted as once again my cancer marker has reduced by almost half to 17. I asked if it would eventually hit zero, to which he fell about laughing. However it secretly remains my goal. I reflected that the body's chemistry is totally amazing. I take a minute pill each morning and it has such a profound effect on the remaining cancer cells. I will probably be on this hormone treatment for four or five years providing my oesteoporosis does not deteriorate.
More health news. John saw his cardiologist last week and he is very pleased with the stability of his heart. All this walking with Yoda. John was particularly pleased that his BNP, an indicator of the condition of his heart shown from a blood test, was as good as it was when he left the "boot camp" 15 months ago.
Good, with all this fitness we can now go out into the garden as it has AT LAST stopped raining.
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