Les poissons en France

Sunday, June 01, 2014

A Special Guest

Betty has been staying here with us since the 21st May and, whilst we haven't been going out every day, we have been trying to make her stay interesting.
One trip we all enjoyed was a visit to the bird sanctuary at Rocamadour.  It proved to be a fantastic hour and a half display of birds flying free; from Condors, Eagles, smaller birds of prey, Owls and even Parrots!
Today we went to see the garden of a friend of a friend!  It was open to the public as part of a national gardening weekend.
Sue is always looking for ideas and inspiration and was happy to chat to the garden's owner.
On the way to the garden we had stopped for a pic-nic and watched the birds, looked at the wildflowers and Betty was as pleased with the 'nature' as with the garden!
She just loves being amidst the tranquility of the French countryside, and partaking of the French life!


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