Garden Club
As if our garden wasn't enough for the Head Gardener, we belong to a Garden Club. And yesterday the club was on a garden visit which Sue had organised. The garden, Le Jardin de La Mothe, is about an hour to the east, the other side of Figeac and is a 'Jardin Remarquable'. The day didn't start well as it was heavy rain and there were questions as to whether it should be postponed, but we had already given a deposit to a restaurant for lunch as so it was 'on' whatever the weather!
We were very fortunate that the moment we arrived at the garden the rains stopped and we were able to go round and admire in comfort.
(Sue with Marion, the Garden owner/designer)
Whilst the garden was unlike ours (more in the Sissinghurst 'room' style) we came away with ideas and plants which we bought there, as we always do !!
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