Les poissons en France

Saturday, May 15, 2021


 After a Spring of precocious warmth, harsh frosts and rain the garden has started to show signs of recovering, even if it is late, and we have lost some early flowers.

As you can see some of the later-flowering Irises have survived the frosts and the Red-hot pokers are doing well!

Our 'full-time' work in the garden is allowing some long-standing jobs to be done ... like edging around the cypress trees.

This is not a job which is high on the priority list normally!

Unfortunately we now have a fortnight of rain forecast and the Head Gardener has lots of plants which she wants to get in the ground.  Yesterday afternoon was a window of opportunity and so she was happy, planting out the geraniums (or pelargoniums if you're pedantic) which are this year's theme in front of the house. 


 A happy gardener has dirty hands!


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