Highlights from the Trail Camera
It's still jolly cold here so we still have little inclination to venture outside but we have been doing a spot of wildlife watching from the warmth of the house using the trail camera set up at the end of the alley.
This buzzard seems to have learnt that the "table" at the end of the alley is worth checking out regularly. In fact we have seen him sitting on a branch above it with a distinct expression saying "what nothing today, this is really not good enough"!!
From frequent observations we have seen that the fox visits most nights and sometimes it too is disappointed as the buzzard and the magpies have had their fill earlier.
We have always referred to the fox as "Mr Fox" however investigations on Google have shown us that our visitor is "Mrs Fox". Apparently when foxes investigate possible food sites if they don't find anything to eat they urinate or deficate on the area to tell them not to waste their time searching. We have observed this behaviour frequently but now interpret the squatting to urinate as vixen behaviour. We assume that she has a den nearby but we have no idea where. It would be lovely if she brought her cubs with her one day, but some how I don't think that will happen.
It's amazing what you learn when it's too cold to go outside by searching Google or reading other peoples Blogs!
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