Les poissons en France

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Party On!

Friday morning, still in my dressing gown, and the next load of chippings arrived. So we all set to and continued laying it in the courtyard.

We then got ready for an early evening start to the annual Fete. This began with an 'apero' concert outside the local bar. There was a good little blues band playing and lots of activity (drinking) in the street. This year's theme was 'rock and roll'!

Guy was a little worried when I told him we weren't eating till 8.30 but, of course, the meal didn't start till gone half past nine! He survived.

After the meal we were entertained by a 'spectacle' which was a DJ, violinist, dancers, fire-eaters, and LOUD, LOUD music. We thought they were OK, but Guy and Carla were unimpressed.


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