Les poissons en France

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Well that didn't work!!

As I have said before I have been pleased with how "the long bed" has developed this year. In an attempt to prolong the season I planted some gladioli which are now flowering.  Well, they were yesterday. I know that gladioli are edible and presumably so do the deer as they enjoyed a snack last night. We have derived great pleasure from watching a doe and her twins and another doe and her fawn for the past couple of months but I wish they did not find flowers so tasty. I bought a new product that was recommended by a respected garden journalist as she was adamant it was an effective deer deterrent. Well it may be on English deer but French ones cannot read the instructions. In all honesty they don't seem to have been as troublesome this year, maybe it's because we have more plants growing and the odd nibble is not so noticeable or maybe it's just that I have learnt to accept the inevitable.

We had originally decided to transform "the raised bed" into a japanese garden but then reflected and thought that we would just be providing winter fodder for the deer. Hence the new ideas, starting with Guy's pebble river. I have got lots of plants that I have noticed the deer don't touch and I plan to split them and furnish the bed in the Autumn. The best laid plans.......!

Meantime it continues to rain and although the petunias have really suffered this year other things have flourished, so here are a few photos.


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