Les poissons en France

Monday, February 27, 2017

Homes and Gardens next??

About a year ago the organiser of "Open Gardens" wrote to me to explain that a magazine called French Entree, which is aimed at Brits moving to France, wanted to include articles about individual gardens, and asked whether I would like to be considered. Feeling a bit flattered I agreed and in due course answered a number of questions from the editor, from which he would construct an article. I heard no more and assumed our garden was not deemed suitable. However last week I had a phone call from a friend who said that a friend of hers had seen an article about our garden in a magazine. Both John and I did not know what she was talking about until we eventually remembered the French Entree inquiry.
Should you wish to see our five and half seconds of dubious fame go to https://www.frenchentree.com/living-in-france/real-life-stories/my-french-garden-in-the-lot/

Furthermore we have already had two inquiries from garden clubs requesting visits and guess what they would like lunch. Do you remember me saying last year that we were absolutely not doing anymore catering.......well.


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