Les poissons en France

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Just when the Garden is flourishing

 This year Spring has been unusual for us.  A lot of rain at the beginning of the year then days of warm weather.  As a result everything has grown rampantly.  The early Spring flowers have indeed been early and have given us a lovely display and we have never seen such abundant growth in the AllĂ©e.

However we had about 5 or so days of frosts in the mornings which killed off any young growth on lots of things:-
a white azalea

the large japanese maple tucked up against the house

Twisty Baby (pseudoacacia) in the courtyard

the trumpet vine (campsis) on the barn wall

And just when I was feeling really good about my Bonsai and they way they have responded to being repotted, my 2 wisteria were clobbered!

No doubt nothing has been killed but we now have to wait patiently till everything regrows!

'C'est la vie' say the old folks, it only shows you never can tell. 


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