Isn't Nature Wonderful.....!!!
Firstly meet our Nightingale. He sings full pelt night and day. Yes 24 hours. On Saturday evening we went outside at 11.45pm it was almost a full moon, really warm and the nightingale and half the local bird population were singing, you would have thought it was approaching midday not midnight. We are reliably informed that the nightingale only sings for about a month, good, the quicker he returns to Berkley Square the better I shall sleep.
Then there is the Hoopo, an attractive pinky/beige bird the size of a pidgeon with black and white stripes down his back and a crest like a cockatoo. Why is it called Hoopo, yes you've guessed because his call is "Hoopo, Hoopo". We were really excited when we first saw the pair but the male sits on the utility pole outside our lounge window most mornings proclaiming his territory. You can have too much of a good thing.
It's wonderful when you hear the cuckoo, which we did for the first time about three weeks ago. However after a while you think if he doesn't find a mate soon I'm going to find a gun!
Just as it is getting dark our barn owl who lives in the pidgonnier sits on the ledge outside his/her (I think of it as a her, no male could be so charming) entrance preening herself and looking down at us. I think we are privilged, that is until I get into bed and she starts screeching and rasping. Barn owls do not "twita-woo", perhaps I should be grateful. Mas de Bouye is not a place for insomniacs.
Sorry there are no photos with this posting - you cann't see the ruddy things - just Hear Them!!
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