Grass, Grass
Irving has done a splendid job preparing and seeding the courtyard "lawns". We had heavy rain this morning so I am expecting germination tomorrow.
As we have now lived here for four years we do not often find new flowers or wildlife to tell you about. However, Irving and I were going for a walk the other day down towards the river and we noticed some "crocus" growing in the meadow adjoining the river. As they were lilac with large stamens I immediately assumed they were safron crocus. On the way home I began to reflect that safron crocus grow on the driest,stoniest most impoverished soil possible and these crocus were growing in fertile moist conditions. Could they be colchicums (Autumn Crocus, Naked Ladies) ? A quick look in the wild flower book confirmed that they were. I always forget that flowers we commonly grow in our gardens were collected from the wild at sometime.
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