Normal Service Has Been Resumed - ish
John had his final chemo injection yesterday followed by an MRI scan. It was an extremely long day leaving here at 6am and not arriving home until 7pm. Sandwiched between the chemo and the MRI scan he had the long awaited "conference" involving the cardiac department and the doctor supervising the chemo. It was a rather impromtu affair but the cardiac doctor was the one who had done his heart biopsy ( and bopped to pop songs throughout the procedure). Despite his somewhat unorthordox approach John has great faith in him. He decided to carry out an investigation into the exact state of John's heart now that the chemo has halted the cause of it's problem. Initially he has to go into hospital for about 10 days to have exhaustive tests to establish how bad the heart is and if any thing can be done to improve it's functioning: but we have no idea when that will be. However, the final option still seems to be a transplant, depending on the results of the tests!
Meanwhile he was delighted to be able to do relatively normal things this morning. I am also much improved and have returned to normal duties. However John has decided that I need help in the garden and therefore plans to help me in the mornings and work in the house in the afternoon - subject of course to the state of the body!! So relatively normal this morning was :- start to edge and weed the serpentine bed, build new compost bins in the ruin and move the large stones on which he displays his bonsai to down the allee.
As we have some roses this year because they have not been eaten by the deer I thought I would show you a picture. You will note from the photo that the display has been acheived with the help of strings which we put around the beds to deter the deer. Not aesthetically perfect but better than having no roses.
For the last four days we have had a resident family of hares (Mum, Dad and three youngsters) in the wild flower bed at dawn and dusk. So far they have limited their munching to wild flowers thank goodness. The adults are enormous so much so that Jean-Jacque told us that we had small deer lying in the grass. Sorry our cameras are not powerful enough to show you just how large they are.
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