Les poissons en France

Thursday, May 03, 2012

More Normality

Continuing on from the last post, we are making the most of Sue feeling less fatigued and we entertained some 'new' friends today.  Sue had invited Martine, her 'personal' Aide Soignante, and her husband to lunch.  The meal was fairly simple although she did do her normal exotic touches on the dessert!  We're pleased that, despite our mangled French, we can maintain a conversation for a couple of hours without getting a headache.

We were overwhelmed when they arrived with a bunch of roses and 2 bottles of liquers made by steeping fruit in eau de vie.  I anticipate they will be sweet and potent!

Then, as one does, we're nipping over to Manchester for the week-end to stay with Guy and Carla.  We're really looking forward to seeing them both!


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