Les poissons en France

Monday, March 02, 2015

Foire de L'arbre

Some friends had told us about a plant fair to be held at St Martial de Nabirat on 1st March so, yesterday morning, despite the rain, we went.
This Tree fair is an annual event in its 26th year so I don't know how we've missed it previously!  The whole village is closed to traffic and the streets are lined with stalls and displays.
Despite it being a 'tree' fair there were lots of shrubs and flowers as well.
But the Gardener was very good and we only came away with 2 carrier bags of plants!

Meanwhile, back at the Plant Factory, all available areas with good light are being used.

Our bedroom :-

The dining area:-

The Hall:-

The Landing:-

And of course, the Porcherie/Potting Shed:-

Wait till the delivery of plants arrives from Holland!!!!


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