Souillac DeLuxe
I'm obliged to tell you about an astonishing meal last night at our local Catering college. I had seen it advertised as a an evening with the 'Grand Chefs'.
And what a meal! Even our french neighbours who came with us said it was the best meal they had ever had.
The students at the college were working with a chef from the Westin Paris and the Michelin starred chef plus his patissier chef from a local restaurant. Also the bread was made by the 'Best artisan' in France. So, a taster of poached Foie gras in a bouillon, Langoustine with a chorizo vinaigrette and avocado, Lamb on a carrot 'gelée', cheese, a cheesecake pre-dessert, and a fabulous tarte au poire. And all of this, with 3 glasses of different wines for 30 euros a head in a sleepy small town in the Lot.
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