Les poissons en France

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This is a Kitchen?

Yes folks, this is our kitchen, or at least it will be. That's assuming, of course that everything is there. We attempted to check what we were getting whilst two nice lads were offloading it, but it wasn't easy as they were working from a different list to the one we had. After they'd gone we did manage to sort things out and we found a second list we'd been given when we ordered the kitchen, and, apart from one item out of stock, and two items damaged, we have everything. (Doesn't that make it sound simple?)

I did see a booklet of instructions, but I think it's going to be fun when I start to put it all together.
Whilst we were waiting for the kitchen to arrive, Sue was outside playing with sand. She's started to mark out some beds in the back field, although the plans have evolved, or perhaps I should say devolved. The current thinking is to keep the back garden relatively simple and open.

There's always something to keep the mind and body active!


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