Les poissons en France

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Cupboard was Bare

A few weeks ago we went with our friends from England to a restaurant in Cahors where we drank a lovely, full-bodied red Gaillac.  This is unusual as the wine from the Gaillac region is normally white.  Once home, I searched on the internet and found the producer.  The town of Gaillac is only about an hour and a half from us so a day out was planned.  Our neighbours were highly amused to think that we were doing a very french thing and going off to find some 'bon vin'!  The use of our GPS meant that we had no problems finding the vineyard but ....... shock horror!!!!! They were sold out.  I presume that the bulk of their production is white and hence the red is soon gone.  After discussion with the lad in the cave, the next vintage, 2011, promises to be of similar quanlity and we will have to phone them up next March.  So, in the meantime, we'll just have to continue buying wine from our little man on the market.


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