And then the Sun came out.
Sunday night was another cold and frosty night, and, although it was a clear sky this morning, it takes till nearly lunchtime before it warms up. Still, isn't it amazing how much better things seems when the sun shines!
We're back to having 2 men working again and we're sure that they get more work done than they would do individually. Cyrille (the boss) was also here and he was in a good mood as well. So work pressed on with the preparation of the downstairs bedroom/shower room.
The workmen also moved their 'rest-room' and so this afternoon I was able to demolish some more of the bedroom walls on the first floor.
We've also had the electrician here today fitting 'trunking' for his wires.
Tomorrow we're supposed to be having our builders, the electrician, the plumber and also a visit from the 'Stairs' man, so it should be another busy day!
The weather has been that Spring-like that we're seeing the birds looking for partners, the daffodils and snowdrops have started to bloom and the gardener has been seen out pruning the roses!
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