Les poissons en France

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Progress so Far

On Friday there was a bit of a clean up as the builders are on holiday for a week. So we've had a chance to reflect on how far we've come since work started back in the middle of October. It's been good to see each room beginning to take shape!
We're planning on sand-blasting a lot of the internal walls next Monday, so we spent today (Saturday) trying to cover/hide/protect the patio doors and frames which were put in last week.

We're not sure how far we're going to get ( we'll either run out of time or the special sand you have to use), but we've even blockaded the window in the Library on the first floor.

Because we've been advised that we'll use less of this sand if there's not too much of the mortar in the joints to take out, Sue has been digging out some of the excess 'old' mortar.

In between trying to prepare for the things which we've got to do soon, and the things we're trying to do to allow the workmen to press on, I'm plodding on with putting up the plasterboard in the kitchen. It's slow going but we're pleased with how the kitchen is coming alive.


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