Les poissons en France

Friday, February 15, 2008

The First One's UP!

I started to put up the plasterboard in the 'Dining Room' yesterday (Thursday) and it took a little while to work out where to start etc. But, with some 'advice' from young Jean-Pierre I plunged in at the deep end and, with the help of an 'elevator' loaned to me by Cyrille, I put the first board up. During the course of the morning I had a number of spectators, none of whom said anything. I now wonder if they aren't used to customers pitching in and doing some of the work themselves.

I didn't get the ceiling finished yesterday so, after our regular Friday french lesson, we came back home and I finished it off this afternoon. I even had both Cyrille and Jean-Pierre telling me I'd done a good job!

Just as I was finishing, a van arrived to leave some of our windows ready for the men to start fitting on Monday. Mind you it is only exchanging the existing windoes for our new PVC ones. They have got to measure for the big patio doors, also on Monday, now that we've got 'proper' floors.

Meanwhile, our two lads have basically finished our wall for the stairs.

For those of you who came to stay with us last year, this last photo shows what was your bedroom!

PS For those of you interested in food, Sue cooked me a fantastic but simple meal this evening of Mussels in a cream sauce. We had 1 Kg of lovely big Mussels each, costing 1.50 euros a kilo (£1.10 for 2.2 lbs ). It's a hard life!


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