Les poissons en France

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Promenade Time

Because we're at a bit of a loose end whilst we wait for the floor to be concreted, we decided it was time we went for a walk. It's that time of year when one becomes conscious of a slight increase in Body-Mass Index and the need for more exercise. So we explored the next valley, St. Catherine.

It was either warm in the sun or cool when it went behind a cloud. We really love it when we go on these walks; we see no-one, we only hear the birds, and already we see wildflowers.

The Helibores are out, wild honeysuckle is pushing out its leaves and the Cornus tree with the yellow flowers that we struggled to identify last year is on the point of blooming.

We returned to 'our valley' feeling at peace with the world and resigned to not worry about how the house develops.


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