Les poissons en France

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another Day, Another Beam

I'm really pleased because, even though I had to go into Gourdon first thing to buy some cement, I still had time this morning to fit the second beam above the doorway and begin to replace the stones above them.

Unfortunately I couldn't finish the job as this afternoon it was our 'regular' Wednesday afternoon Tournament at the Bridge Club in Gourdon. We found out afterwards that neither of us was looking forward to it as we both feel that we're not very good. But in the event we didn't disgrace ourselves and we actually had a laugh as we seemed to upset some of the 'pros' who thought that they should have breezed past us! We're also getting to know some of the others there now and so we can have a chat and a joke. There's still a lot we've got to learn though!


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