Les poissons en France

Monday, September 26, 2011

Editor's Correction

Having read John's last posting, I was horrified to note his defeatist attitude to our current problems. I'm not dead yet, and I hope to be able to continue in the garden, albeit on not such a grandiose scale as we had planned to do!

Some plants will obviously have died due to John not having the time to water in the continuing warm/hot weather, but this will be a new challenge. As long as I can push a hoe and sit and give my orders, there is hope.

Perhaps next Spring, once we know where we are going, we will be grateful for some helping hands in exchange for board and lodging.

We may be down but we're not out yet.

P.S. I hope I won't always look as bad as this!!!!!!

(This was dictated to the slave/24 hr nurse/ handyman with his tail between his legs)


At 6:10 pm, Anonymous Mel said...

Is that a glass of wine AND a glass of beer? Excellent!!

At 6:28 pm, Blogger Kathy said...

That's telling him, Sue! :-) Poor john - we all have down days when illness strikes - at least I know I did with my two lots of breast cancer. If you use the coming months to plan your lower-maintenence garden, it will give you something exciting to look forward to and I always found that helped enormously.

All good wishes.


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