Les poissons en France

Sunday, January 01, 2012

...and a Happy New Year

Well, we're starting 2012 in a hopeful frame of mind.

I've just got to convince my doctors that I'm fine and Sue has to keep up the good work to regain her strength. She finished the 4th cycle of her chemo on Friday and everyone is pleased at her progress. She is daily regaining more and more movement and her doctor at Cahor Hospital agreed to change her 'corset' for a weight-lifter's Lumbar belt. This is going to allow her to move about much more freely! They are going to do a blood test in 2 weeks time to check on the level of cancer cells in her blood, then it's to be 2 more cycles of chemo, which will take us up to March. Then they'll do a scan or an MRI.

On Christmas Eve, the carer who was on that day took a photo of us. Subsequently, all of the girls seem to have seen it! However, today they gave us a New Year's card which they'd made using the photo. We continue to be overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit which they all show us.


At 2:19 pm, Blogger jj said...

JOHN tu as un Père noël super !!!
bises à vous deux


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