Les poissons en France

Saturday, September 20, 2014

La Figue

They say that patience is a virtue and 'lo and behold' we have our first ever fig after only about 5 years wait!  Every year up to now the two fig trees we planted behind the porcherie have been cut to the ground by the frosts and cold ... except this last winter.  Whether because they are bigger now, or whether the winter wasn't as cold as we've experienced before, but the white fig has lots of fruit on it.
It remains to be seen if and how many of these smaller fruits ripen.  The second fig, a brown fig has lots of growth but not a single fig!
We want to train them back to the wall before next year so this might set them back a bit.  However, whilst we wait for next year, we fortunately have friends who have mature fig trees and share their surplus.


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