Yoda has been very poorly recently (his heart condition is much worse). So..... it seemed a good idea to give him his extra pills in a piece of chicken. Clever dog thinks "this is much nicer than dog food" and refuses to eat anything else. However, chicken becomes boring after a time "what else have you got?". Yes we now have liver, heart and diced pork on the menu.
Cleo (black cat) has lived on tinned tuna since time immemorial. We know it is not good for her and can't remember how this diet came about. We will blame it on my Mum. However she only likes tuna bought from one supermarket. John tries to explain to her that the fish is caught in the same ocean even if it is bought in another shop but to no avail.
Diana (white cat) is showing signs of age like the rest of the household. She has always been fussy about food and likes a change (as frequently as between first portion of breakfast and the second). She soon noted that Yoda was having fresh liver, her favorite, so she wants it all the time. Diana is known for her tantrums and persistence, so if she doesn't get what she wants she will follow me around howling (as long as half a day). I have to admit that it drives me ballistic and eventually I have to give in. You can tell I never went to parenting classes!! Yesterday we went shopping and, having been to five shops, none had any pork or beef liver (the only ones that are a reasonable price). Fearing the tantrums I poured my troubles out to the butcher who said "Oh, you want some animal meat!" and rushed out the back. He soon returned brandishing this large bag and I really feared what was inside. My fears were founded as you can see ......

... but I did manage to dissect sufficient to slowly cook a meal for the animal gourmands who live here. In order to balance the budget we are virtually vegetarians!!!