Just at the moment, we feel that we're marking time. Sue's only just getting back into the swing of things and my health issues are dragging on without resolution. The results of the heart biopsy have shown negative, ie the protein that they were looking for in the heart walls wasn't there! I've got to wait for an appointment with a different doctor in a different department down at Toulouse.
Meanwhile, JJ's well of 'contaminated' water awaits a plan of action. He bought a little DIY kit to test the water in the well and it's indicating that it's got Kaka in it (that's french for poo). So, we're figuring out what to do about it, hoping that we won't have to dig up the courtyard to check the pipes!
The temperatures are continuing unrelentless in the 30's and Sue's resumed the battle of trying to keep things alive (even with our various watering systems). Meanwhile I've been trying to continue working to finish in the courtyard but, over the weekend, I felt poorly. We went to see the Doctor yesterday and he advised me that, with these high temperatures, I've got to take it steady, drink lots of water and wait for a more specific treatment once my problem has been identified! Still, I have nearly built up the wall!
It was cloudy this morning so we were able to bring home 3 trailer loads of horse manure from our friendly lady, Marie-Lise. I was then determined to finish that b***** wall, so I made a mix of cement and went for it. Needless to say, at that moment it began to clear and become hot! Nevermind, it's done....at last.
At some stage I will have to joint up the wall, but we can live with that for the time being!