Les poissons en France

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Let's Move On!

At last! I managed to talk to one of the Doctors who is involved with my case and he confirmed that I wont be needing a heart transplant. He explained that, as I only experience breathing problems when I'm exerting myself, they are happy that, with my medication and regular exercise, I'm OK as I am. We are obviously relieved that this major step isn't needed, if nothing else, for the problems we would have had in organising help for Sue. Having said that, Sue is becoming more and more independant. She is doing more and more walking unaided and no sticks! She's finished the sixth cycle of chemotherapy and we are now waiting for a blood test in 2 weeks time to get a fresh reading for her cancer levels.

So, in the meantime, Spring is in the air and it's time to press on.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Look What the Sun Does.

We had been talking to our favourite carer about the garden and soft fruit and she gave us some of her raspberry jelly. The next thing is, she brought us some raspberry canes from her garden. And today the sun shone, so of course we had to be out there planting them!

Needless to say, my supervisor couldn't resist doing some weeding, although it wasn't a lot!!!

However, she's like a Cunard liner, once she's in full steam, there's no stopping her.

At this rate I shall be redundant soon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Still Zooming Along

Yesterday the Physiotherapist took Sue out for a little stroll down the road!

And whilst we were on a roll, we went out for a ride in the car. We drove to Gourdon and she sat in the carpark whilst I went shopping for food. The Doctors had said that she could go out for a maximum of an hour and we were pleased that she had no pain at all whilst we were out.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ain't No Stopping Us Now

Madam continues to refuse to take things easy!

She ventured out into the big, wide world today. We are looking after our friends' cats whilst they are in sunnier climes; the cats are missing human company and Sue went to the Porcherie to give them some TLC.

She's also been beavering away on cleaning the rest of the kitchen cupboard doors. She says that tomorrow, it's the bathroom!

As you can see from the big smile on her face, she's more than happy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lazy Days are Over

Where do we begin?

I've just returned from my stay in Toulouse where I spent 3 days having tests. The tests are all designed to check if a heart transplant will be possible. So, whilst it's good that I'm having everything checked, I'd still like to know if it is actually necessary! This, of course, has to wait whilst specialists look at the results, although I was told that they're meeting to discuss the results next Wednesday 22nd. Exactly when I'm likely to have an input remains to be seen, after all, I'm only the patient!!!

Fortunately, Guy was able to come over to stay with his Mum whilst I was at Toulouse. On Tuesday, when Sue went to Cahors for her chemo, he managed to put a first coat of paint on the walls in the salon. It looks like a proper room now.

However ....... the bad news is that Sue continues to make fantastic progress. She's walking about with two crutches (or even none at all). This means that she's now seeing all of the housework that I haven't done well enough (or missed!).

No peace for the wicked. How true!