John has been beavering away in the loft space above the salon. He first replaced pieces of the boarding in the ceiling of the salon and then repaired any remaining holes before starting to lay the insulation. We have now decided to have a wood burning stove in the salon so the polystyrene that we bought six years ago for the underfloor heating has become superfluous. You've guessed it, it has now become the first layer of insulation in the loft.
He is supposed to be finishing the landing but seems happier playing in the loft, but in the general scheme of things does it matter.
The summer social scene is beginning to gather pace. John and Leslie arrived this week so that means that summer is here - although nobody seems to have told the weather. We are off to a choir concert this evening, out to dinner on Saturday and entertaining here on Sunday night for starters
Garden news. The irises (which are everywhere in the garden) did not flower very well this year, the reason being that they have not been split since they were planted four years ago. So I have started lifting one side of the iris walk. In my head I thought it would be an afternoons work - a week later I am two thirds of the way down the bed!!
Otherwise the roses are flowering and we have good colour in the garden. We have some lovely enormous red poppies and everyone who comes comments that I am growing my own opium supply. I wouldn't know a heroin poppy if I saw one!!
On Wednesday afternoon we played bridge as normal at the Gourdon club. This week the session was followed by the AGM. It was like AGM's everywhere with people having to be persuaded to become officers against their better judgement. Then it was open to the floor, not a good idea in France, as everyone talks at the same time wether they have the floor or not. I was astounded to hear John contributing as I had understood the general tenure but certainly couldn't/wouldn't have said anything. Nevertheless I was very proud of him. Formalities over it was time for a glass or two of champagne before going off to a restaurant for the annual dinner. It was fun to see these rather reserved "bridge players" become animated and let their hair down. John had loads of compliments about his French - "we didn't know you could speak French". I suppose they had only ever heard us say "petit trefle", small club!
Over the past month Yoda has eaten less and less and become listless so I became more and more worried about him. Of course this culminated in a trip to the vets yesterday. When we got there Yoda could not have looked more bright eyed and bushey tailed and even thought he would take on an Irish Wolf Hound. He had a blood test and it turned out that he has a slight kidney problem and two loose teeth with a resultant gum infection. No dental operation possible because of his heart condition. Sorry Yoda you are getting old like the rest of us.!!