A Fluke
Some of you will know that we have been going to the Bridge Club in Gourdon for a number of years. We go because we enjoy playing bridge although we are far from competitive - you can't be when you play at our standard. We have met some lovely people and enjoy the social contact.
For about 18 months we were bottom each week. This did not bother us as we just liked playing. We were offered lessons but quite frankly once a week is enough for us - we have a life outside of bridge, although we enjoy playing with friends.
Therefore it is with utter amazement that I have to record that this week, the once in a life time event happened and we were second with 59%. Top is usually about 63%.
Yes I know we are boasting but the nicest part is that we are having the mickey taken out of us by everyone at the club. In particular the chairman, who sent us a photo which he had taken, he said "to immortalise the moment", actually he was taking photos of everyone anyway.
We feel that we have totally integrated when the French feel comfortable enough to pull fun of us and know that we will not be offended.