La Rentree
To add to the problem, the inspector from the government department which supervises septic tank installations had visited us that day. He told Cyrille that he had to dig the hole an extra 20cm deeper and install more soak away pipes to avoid any water sitting in the bottom of the drainage 'hole' in the event of a lot of rainfall.
However, we were pleasantly surprised that the job had been completed without too much damage to our 'lawn'. Fortunately, Sue had had the brainwave of using some of the spoil in a raised bed, but the amount of rocks that the builders put there was a small part of the rubble which came out of the hole. So, we are now pondering how best to use or disguise the rocks. We really are going to need lots of lorry-loads of top soil! Either that, or years worth of cat litter!!!
And then Sue cut our first melon. It was lovely and sweet, just like a 'proper' melon.
And finally....this Sunday was the last of the Sunday markets in St Germain. They are only held during July and August and this last one heralds the start of the school year and the end of summer. We just hope that we are lucky and the weather stays good until December!