The Under Gardener
We once saw a TV programme featuring a man who cut his grass every day. At present John is trying to emulate him, although he is only mowing every other day. Unfortunately 10 days ago the new mower we bought last year broke down. Any machinery braking down is a catastrophe as far as John is concerned and I always tread very carefully (the only time). We made innumerable trips to the shop, made daily telephone calls but to date the after sales service is non existent even though it is under guarantee. John became more and more tetchy as we watched the grass grow 2 to 4 centimetres each day. Eventually he couldn't stand it any longer and we have become a two tractor family. We rushed off to the garden centre where we are known as those funny English people who keep buying tons of compost. Obviously being known has its advantages as the mower was delivered by 2 o'clock.
I must say the "grass" sets off the garden beautifully and it was most gratifying when a group of about 20 walkers from the village came past and were very complimentary. However I do wonder what they say about us. As I have the lights on in the porcherie for about 16 hours a day there were suggestions that we are growing cannabis!!
Unfortunately, despite having a new mower the under gardener continues to be grumpy. We have been planting dahlias in the Christo bed for the past couple of days (30 down 25 to go) with their associated poles. He is not happy says it looks like a bl---- allotment. I keep telling him that it will be wonderful in mid summer when the supports will be covered, however he is not convinced.
On a more cheerful note, it is the start of the iris season and we have a stunning display of the common ones, the more exotic ones will not be out for a few weeks.